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  • 01 Apr. 2017

    Optimize Feeding to Make More Money in Twin-Screw Compounding

    Plastics Technology

    Every business want to increase profits. Companies can deploy many strategies to do so that can fall across various areas of the business, such as reducing inventory, negotiating lower prices from suppliers, or increasing marketing efforts, to name a few. When it comes to operations, the capital equipment is often already in place and is therefore a sunk cost. Increasing profitatbility in this case is usually depends on maximizing productivity of these assets. For twin-screw extrusion processes, this is most easily achieved by increasing throughput rate, thereby spreading operation costs over a greater amount of product produced in the same unit of time.

  • 01 Dez. 2016

    Three ways to improve continuous loss-in-weigh feeding accuracy

    Powder Bulk Engineering

    The weigh accuracy of individual recipe ingredients for a continuos blending, granulation, or extrusion process has a direct effect on product quality and bottom-line savings. This article explains how to optimize continuous loss-in-weight feeder accuracy by separating plant vibration noise from true weight loss, controlling motor speeds during feeder refill, and compensating for process pressure fluctuations.

  • 23 Sept. 2016

    Unter Wasser besser granulieren


    Ein neu entwickeltes Verschleißschutzkonzept für Lochplatten von Unterwassergranulierungen erhöht die Beständigkeit sowohl gegen Abrieb als auch Korrosion. Damit lassen sich die Produktionskosten insbesondere bei der Herstellung von Polyolefinen senken. Erstmals verfügbar ist dieser Verschleißschutz für eine leistungsgesteigerte Unterwassergranulierung von bis zu 70t/h Durchsatz.

  • 11 Jan. 2016

    Dosieren in geschlossenen Systemen

    Kunststoffe, 1-2/2016

    Bei gravimetrischen Dosiersystemen mit einem geschlossenen, von der Umgebungsatmosphäre abgekoppelten Dosierraum können Druckschwankungen im Materialtrichter zu Wägefehlern führen, die sich negativ auf die Produktqualität und die Produktionskosten auswirken. Die neue elektronische Druckkompensation EPC bietet hier eine zuverlässige Lösung.

  • 08 Juni 2015

    Compounding of Polycarbonate: Advantages of the Co-Rotating Fully Intermeshing Twin Screw Compounding Extruders Technology

    Plastics Technology Magazine, 6/2015

    The co-rotating, fully intermeshing twin-screw extruder is the primary production unit for compounding of polymer based materials. Coperion has delivered its first co-rotating, fully intermeshing twin-screw compounders type ZSK for compounding of Polycarbonate more than 30 years ago and has meanwhile the largest population of extruders for manufacturing polycarbonate as well as for compounding polycarbonate, e.g. alloys with ABS or filled with glass fibers, talc or pigments.

  • 07 Mai 2015

    Accurately and safely dispensing pharmaceutical and high-value powders with an automated loss-in-weight feeder

    Tablets & Capsules

    This article explains how an automated loss-in-weight feeder can accurately and safely dispense pharmaceutical and other high-value powders in continuous feeding and batching applications, eliminating the dangers and inefficiencies of conventional manual loading.

  • 08 Juni 2015

    Schwarz und feindispers - Rußmasterbatch für Polyesterfasern aufbereiten

    Kunststoffe, 6-7/2015

    Ein Ruß-Masterbatch zum Einfärben von Polyesterfasern muss hohe Anforderungen erfüllen, insbesondere, wenn hauchdünne Spinnfasern für sehr weiche und anschmiegsame Stoffe entstehen sollen. Am Beispiel eines Doppelschneckenkneters von Coperion wird aufgezeigt, wie sich Schneckenkonfigurationen und Prozessparameter auf die Dispergierqualität des Rußes und den Materialabbau der Polyestermatrix auswirken.

  • 06 Apr. 2015

    Food Processing Equipment Trends

    Western Food Processor

    Today’s food manufacturers are looking for ways to boost production runs, simplify cleanup and sanitation, control ingredient costs, reduce changeover times between runs and increase the ability to produce a variety of product types and sizes, all with an emphasis on cutting cost but improving overall food safety. Automation of the complete process is a key trend in food manufacture from raw ingredient receipt and transfer, including various pneumatic transfer options, batch weighing techniques, and continuous feeding methods, all the way to the extrusion, and packaging steps downstream.

  • 10 Okt. 2014

    Reactive extrusion: Opportunity for improved performance products and manufacturing productivity

    Rubber World

    The co-rotating twin-screw extruder is cost-effective to operate and has process flexibility. As such, it has become most widely used piece of compounding equipment in the polymer industry. These characteristics have also enabled the twin-screw extruder to be successful in many other markets. These include, but are not limited to, such diverse processes as food, pharmaceuticals, bio-materials, energetics and chemicals.

  • 05 Jan. 2015

    Manufacture of aquafeed - Future challenges and solutions

    International Aquafeed Directory 2014/2015

    Nowadays, commercial aquafeed is predominantly manufactured using extrusion. This continuous process allows huge quantities to be produced. Single screw extruders reach their capacity limits at a throughput rate of around 15 t/h, whereas even higher throughput rates can be achieved with twin screw extruders. Coperion GmbH, based in Stuttgart, Germany, is a pioneer in the development of co-rotating and closely intermeshing twin screw extruders and has already designed numerous large scale plants with screw diameters up to 420 mm and throughput rates of up to 100 t/h in different areas of application.

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