Extruders & Compounding Machines

ZSK Food Extruders

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The ideal extrusion system for many types of food and pet food

Coperion’s twin screw extruder ZSK Mv PLUS provides ideal conditions for the extrusion of many types of food and pet food products. The process section of the ZSK twin screw extruder consists of several barrels in which the co-rotating screws operate. The closely intermeshing screws with their tight selfwiping profile eliminate stagnant zones over the whole length of the process section. The effect of this is a constantly high conveying efficiency and perfect self-cleaning.

The modular design of the ZSK Mv PLUS and its unusual combination of free screw volume, screw speed and torque enable this twin screw extruder series to be individually configured for every application. The complete portfolio includes a wide range of sizes, allowing customers to process any required throughput range from laboratory to production scale.

Advantages of Coperion's ZSK food extruders

  • Hygienic product design: open frame, stainless steel
  • Easy to clean: less downtimes due to fast, efficient cleaning
  • Less inspection due to optimal accessibility
  • Control system: easy to operate, smart and safe
  • High operational reliability and durability
  • Specific torque 11.3 Nm/cm3
  • Screw speed up to 1800 min-1

Related Industries

  • Food & Pet Food

Typical areas of application of the ZSK Mv PLUS extruder

  • Pet food, treats, aquatic feed
  • Flours and starches
  • Cereals, snacks
  • Encapsulation processes
  • Confectionery
  • Meat analogues, texturized protein
  • Biodegradable products

Technical advantages

Coperion twin screw extruder ZSK screw elements

The deeply cut screw flights with a diameter ratio Do/Di of 1.8 result in a very large free screw volume.

  • Improved feed intake of additives with a low bulk density such as
    flours, starches, pigments, fillers, additives
  • Lower shearing
  • Reduced thermal stress on the raw materials
  • Longer residence time for reaction processes
  • Safe devolatilization
Coperion twin screw extruder ZSK twin screws

The ZSK Mv PLUS series is designed for speeds up to 1,800 rpm.

  • Increase in throughput by up to 3 or 4 times in comparison to
    the preceding ZSK Mv model
  • Lower investment and operating costs due to smaller machine sizes
    at the given throughput rate
  • Favorable price-performance ratio
Coperion twin screw extruder ZSK MvPLUS Screw elements

The specific torque of the ZSK Mv PLUS is 11.3 Nm/cm3. It has been increased by 30% in comparison to the preceding
ZSK Mv model.

  • Another increase in throughput of up to 40% in comparison to
    the preceding series
  • Extended operating window
  • Greater recipe flexibility

Technical Data

ZSK Max. torque per shaft [Nm] Specific torque Md/a3 [Nm / cm3] Max. screw speed [min-1] Max. motor power N [kW] Screw diameter [mm]
ZSK 18 MEGAlab* 38 11.3 1,200 10 18
ZSK 27 Mv PLUS 100 10,6 1.800 40 27
ZSK 34 Mv PLUS 205 11.3 1,800 81 34
ZSK 43 Mv PLUS 420 11.3 1,800 166 43
ZSK 54 MvPLUS 815 11.3 1,800 323 54
ZSK 62 Mv PLUS 1,250 11.3 1,800 495 62
ZSK 76 Mv PLUS 2,275 11.3 1,800 900 76
ZSK 98 Mv PLUS 5,000 11,3 1,500 1,649 98
ZSK 125 Mv PLUS 10,300 11.3 1,500 3,397 125
ZSK 248 Mv PLUS 44,000 6.0 300** 2,800 248

* Laboratory extruder with Do/ Di = 1,55

** Higher screw speeds upon request.

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