Cable Compounds

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Technology solutions for any cable recipe

Quality is our benchmark. This is the way for you to get exactly what you expect for the processing of cable compounds: a compounding system that achieves the highest product quality and maximum economic efficiency.

Coperion specializes in the design and implementation of complete systems to produce cable compounds.

Our technologies have long proven themselves in the compounding of a wide variety of cable applications. We realize solutions for all production steps – from material handling and feeding, to dryblend production, compounding, and pellet cooling, to storage and filling.

Comprehensive Process Know-how and First-Class Technology Solutions

Cable compounds insulate and protect wires and are thus essential in a lot of industries such as construction, telecommunication and vehicle manufacturing. Coperion’s extrusion technology, such as the ZSK twin screw extruder and the KP Kombiplast Compounder, has proven ideal for producing a broad variety of cable compounds for different applications. Together with Coperion K-Tron feeders for high accuracy feeding of all ingredients as well as gentle conveying and material handling technology, manufacturers benefit from integrated turnkey solutions from one source.

  • Semiconductive Carbon Black Masterbatch

    Semi-conductive carbon black is commonly used for conductor shielding and isolation shielding in medium and high voltage cables. It is known for smoothing out peaks of the inhomogeneity of electricity, therefore ensuring an even distribution of the electric field between the external insulation and metallic screen.



    • Very high pigment and additive loading levels possible as required (20-40 %)
    • Extremely gentle wetting of the pigments thus avoiding agglomerations
    • Excellent gentle dispersion and distribution of carbon black to obtain conductivity
    • High throughput rates for maximum productivity
    • Excellent feeding of high-volume ingredients such as carbon black
    • Low specific energy input for low melt temperatures
    • Maximum product quality


    Throughput Rates:


    ZSK Mv PLUS Max. Throughput Rates [kg/h]
    ZSK 34 Mv PLUS 100-200
    ZSK 43 Mv PLUS 200-350
    ZSK 54 Mv PLUS 400-700
    ZSK 62 Mv PLUS 600-1000
    ZSK 76 Mv PLUS 1100-2000
    ZSK 98 Mv PLUS 2300-3500


    Typical Set-up:

    Set-up for the production of Semiconductive Black Masterbatch
  • HFFR Cable Compounds

    HFFR (Halogen Free, Flame Retardant) cables have a lot of advantages: They are fire retardant, self-extinguishing with low smoke development. Degradation product is water. In the compounding process EVA, PP and PE polymers are combined with fillers (usually aluminum trihydroxide (ATH) or magnesium hydroxide (MDH)) which add the flame retardant properties.



    • Because of its good mixing properties, the low shear introduction, the reproducibility of the process, product purity, and the great flexibility of the recipes, many producers in the cable industry rely on the continuous processing of the Coperion ZSK twin scew extruder.
    • For high accuracy feeding of all ingredients Coperion K-Tron feeders are used.
    • The ZSK twin screw extruder in ZSK Mv PLUS design together with ZS-B twin screw side feeders are able to process halogenfree flame-retardant compounds (HFFR) highly economically.


    Throughput Rates:


    ZSK Mv PLUS Max. Throughput Rates [kg/h]
    ZSK 27 Mv PLUS 80
    ZSK 34 Mv PLUS 125
    ZSK 43 Mv PLUS 250
    ZSK 54 Mv PLUS 500
    ZSK 62 Mv PLUS 750
    ZSK 76 Mv PLUS 1200
    ZSK 98 Mv PLUS 2800
    ZSK 125 Mv PLUS 5800


    Typical Set-Up:


  • PVC Cable Compounds

    PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) cables are known for their flame-retardant properties. Thanks to various plasticizers and additives they can also be made resistant to e.g. many chemicals which makes them durable and suitable for various applications, such as household appliances, assembly lines or communication technology equipment.



    • Good infeed behavior even with poorly flowing powders and hot dryblend from fast hot mixer
    • Low specific energy requirement
    • Very uniform shearing, homogenization, and pelletizing of the product recipes
    • Easy cleaning for fast product change in the case of different batch sizes
    • Highest flexibility for product changes and machine modifications, resulting in a wide range of applications
    • High reliability and proven machine technology


    Throughput Rates:


    Kombiplast Max. Throughput Rates [kg/h]
    KP 27/60 70-100
    KP 34/100 220-300
    KP43/100 450-600
    KP54/150 1100-1500
    KP62/200 200-2700
    KP76/250 3000-4000
    KP98/300 4200-5700
    KP125/350 5800-7750


    Typical Set-Up:


  • XLPE Cable Compounds (Post Blending)

    XLPE cable compounds are made of  PE cross-linkable via peroxide. They are characterized by their high purity, and equal distribution of the peroxide in the pellets. As a result they can be used for high to extra high voltage applications.  



    • Reliable production of high-quality peroxide cross-linkable PE for both medium and high-voltage applications
    • In the compounding step polymer is molten and highly filtrated
    • Under water pelletizer is mandatory
    • Peroxide for later crosslinking is added in silo (Post blending)
    • Coperion has comprehensive process know-how to set up compounding and pelletizing systems that ensure highest purity and product quality



    Throughput Rates:


    ZSK Max. Throughput Rates [t/h]
    ZSK 70 0.5
    ZSK 92 1.1-1.3
    ZSK 119 2.5
    ZSK 133 3.0
    ZSK 250 11.0


    Typical Set-Up:


  • Silane Crosslinkable Cable Compounds (XLPE Sioplas Process)

    Silane cable compounds are made in a grafting process (Sioplas). They have a higher heat-resistance than pure PE and are suitable for low to medium voltage applications. In addition, the process is flexible and thanks to its high extrusion rate it is known for being cost-effective.



    • Silane grafted on PE and EVA, crosslinking in further processing with water
    • Low amount of peroxide is required
    • Melt filtration possible
    • Strand pelletizing is possible depending on formulation
    • Filling with ATH / MDH in the same or in a second step is state-of-the-art


    Throughput Rates:


    ZSK Max. Throughput Rates [kg/h]
    ZSK 40 40-50
    ZSK 50 80-100
    ZSK 58 250-350
    ZSK 70 400-600
    ZSK 92 900-1200


    Typical Set-Up:


  • Fluoropolymers

    Cables insulated with fluoropolymers are non-flammable and highly resistant to even aggressive chemicals such as acids. Depending on the base polymer a high temperature resistance is given. The thermal conductivity can be adjusted by the incorporation of carbon black. Thus,fluorpolymers are typically used for heating cables.



    • Special materials of construction for product touching parts
    • Very high corrosion resistance 
    • High process temperatures possible (up to 450 °C)


    Throughput Rates:


    ZSK Max. Throughput Rates [kg/h]
    ZSK 26 5-16
    ZSK 40 20-60
    ZSK 45 25-85
    ZSK 58 60-180
    ZSK 70 100-320
    ZSK 92 240-720


    Typical Set-Up:



  • TPE / TPU Cable Compounds

    TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer) combines polymers with rubber as a result of which it has both thermoplastic and elastomeric properties. It is highly durable and allows for flexing without being damaged. Therefore, it is commonly used in robotics and automotive applications as well as in harsh environments.



    • Reduced thermal stress on the raw materials
    • Safe devolatilization
    • Additivation as required


    Throughput Rates:


    ZSK Max. Throughput Rates [kg/h]
    ZSK 26 20-30
    ZSK 32 40-60
    ZSK 45 100-150
    ZSK 58 200-300
    ZSK 70 400-600
    ZSK 92 900-1300


    Typical Set-Up:


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