Test Centers for Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Processes

Coperion Test Centers for Pharmaceutical Applications

Discover our test lab capabilities for advanced testing of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical processes.


Test Capabillities for Many Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical Processes

Coperion provides test centers for feeding and extrusion applications as well as hygienic components and conveying systems. These test centers are the ideal platforms for testing any challenges in a production or research environment, such as product behavior, new formulations and throughput rates. 

Our test centers are equipped to perform tests with placebo materials. Tests with APIs can be performed depending upon an individual risk assessment.

Collaborations with a variety of worldwide universities allow for additional extensive research, e.g. on material properties, computer modeling, extrusion, material handling and continuous processing.

Innovative Technologielösungen von Coperion für pharmazeutische und nutrazeutische Prozesse
