Test Centers for Minerals Applications

Discover our test lab capabilities for advanced testing of any minerals processing application.

Material Handling

  • Test Labs for Material Handling and Conveying

    The Coperion test centers for material handling are some of the most advanced facilities in the world for studying bulk solids handling and processing. They are the experimental foundation on which future applications in production plants, such as the properties of new bulk materials and optimal conveying modes can be tested. The test centers provide excellent facilities for an extensive range of tests, starting with laboratory analyses through to trials on an industrial scale across all process stages. Our continuous development work produces innovations which secure our technological leadership.


    • Broad variety of conveying systems for testing bulk material handling characteristics – from dilute phase to dense phase, with and without bypass system, hydraulic conveying and many more
    • More than 2,000 m [6,562 ft] in total of conveying line for trials
    • Above 300 t/h [661.300 lb/h] conveying capacity
    • Affiliated laboratories for immediate analysis of the trial results
    • Database with over 15,000 bulk materials samples
    • Development of in-house test equipment and simulations
    • Numerous tests of material handling processes, like heating, cooling, drying, blending, mixing, elutriating etc.
    • Attrition tests
    • Tests and evaluation for silo design


    • Weingarten, Germany
    • Niederlenz, Switzerland
    • Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center in Salina, Kansas, USA

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