Coperion Plastics Recycling Technology | Twin Screw Compounding
Coperion’s plastics recycling expert Jochen Schofer explains what is important in plastics recycling and why twin screw extruders are particularly well suited for successful plastics recycling.
Plastics Recycling Technology | Coperion Solutions
Coperion’s plastics recycling experts Franz Neuner, Director of Product Management | Equipment & Systems Division and Jochen Schofer, Business Segment Manager Recycling & Direct Extrusion | Polymer Division, met at Aurora Kunststoffe to exchange ideas on plastic recycling. In this short interview they explain why circular economy is becoming increasingly important for the plastics industry and for which recycling applications Coperion offers technology solutions.
Extrusion of HMMA (High Moisture Meat Analogues)
Coperion’s co-rotating ZSK twin screw extruders are used in the manufacture of high moisture meat analogues (HMMA). HMMA is primarily used as a high-quality meat-analogue product in ready-to-eat meals. Protein sources used to manufacture high-quality HMMA are primarily legumes such as soy, lupine or pea. By adjusting recipe and process parameters, structures of different meat types can be replicated with striking similarity to the original. This videos shows the extrusion of HMMA in Coperion’s test lab. Passing Coperion’s ZSK Food Extruder, HMMA is discharged using a specialized cooling die which produces a product strand exhibiting a texture closely resembling that of genuine meat.
科倍隆南京工厂面积超过15,000 m²,专注于STS 和 CTE双螺杆挤出机的生产与制造。2015年迁入位于南京江宁区的新工厂,其设计与建造满足科倍隆的生产需求:采用科倍隆德国最先进的机械生产和工程设计技术;为科倍隆南京量身设计,采用优化的生产布局和工艺流程,提高生产效率; 加工中心区域配备多台德国进口的数控加工中心和高端加工设备,如:整体套研磨设备。同时整个加工中心区域配备中央空调,以确保重要部件的制造精度;
使用科倍隆ZSK双螺杆挤出机生产热熔胶使得更多的配方组合成为可能。同时也减少了批次与批次间的波动,保证了成品始终如一的高品质。 ZSK双螺杆挤出机基于模块化设计且对不同的产品组类采用专门的配置,并在一台设备中整合了不同的工艺步骤:塑化/粉碎、熔融、混合、均化、自然排气和脱挥。
可快速清洁的科倍隆侧喂料机ZS-B easy
科倍隆已彻底翻新其ZS-B侧喂料机。新的ZS-B easy可以快速从ZSK加工段拆除并且替换其双螺杆也很简单。由于配方改变所需要的清洁时间也显著减少。
科倍隆喂料增强技术 (FET)
在FET专利技术中,科倍隆ZSK挤出机的喂料段或侧喂料机ZS-B上装配有一个可排气的多孔 隔离装置,用于连接外部真空设备将物料中的气体抽出。抽气的结果是使得设备的喂料能力大大的提升;对于喂料受限型产品,其喂料量可以提高一倍。FET技术可以显著的增加设备产量,极大的提高配混工厂的经济效益。
Coperion K-Tron contributes feeders to new Pfizer CMT
Coperion K-Tron Niederlenz, Switzerland, supplied two feeding systems comprising five feeders each to Pfizer Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH in Freiburg, Germany, as part of a project to expand their existing plant and switch to continuous production.