

Day 1: November 6, 2024

8:30 - 9:30 Registration
Shuttle busses leave from recommended hotels to Coperion.
Exact time will be communicated shortly before the event.
9:30 - 12:00 Presentations Part 1

Welcome and Introduction to Coperion
Massimo Serapioni I General Manager Business Unit Recycling I Coperion

Plastics Recycling - State of Play | Challenges & Opportunities
Prof. Edward Kosior I Founder and CEO I Nextek

Solutions for Efficient Recycling: Herbold Washlines and Latest Developments in Water Treatment Technology
Achim Ebel I Head of Sales I Herbold Meckesheim
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 16:30

Presentations Part 2

Coperion Extrusion Technology - Innovation for the Recycling Industry
Jochen Schofer I Head of Sales Recycling I Coperion
Frank Mack I Head of Process Technology Engineering Plastics I Coperion

Plant Tour and Live Demonstration in the Recycling Innovation Center

Panel Discussion - Recycling Seen from Different Perspectives
James Samworth I Partner - Renewable Infrastructure, Private Equity, M&A I Schroders Greencoat LLP
Prof. Edward Kosior I Founder and CEO I Nextek
Christian Crepet I Petcore Board Member - Textile Recycling Specialist
Chris Dow I Business Development Manager, Business Unit Recycling I Coperion

16:45 Shuttle busses from Coperion to recommended hotels
18:30 Shuttle busses from recommended hotels to venue
19:00 Evening Event


Day 2: November 7, 2024

8:30 - 9:00 Registration
Shuttle busses leave from recommended hotels to Coperion.
Exact time will be communicated shortly before the event.
9:00 - 12:15 Presentations Part 3

Plastics in Circular Economy - Requirements and Challenges
Prof. Daniel Schwendemann I Institute for Material Science and Plastics Processing (IWK)
OST University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland

State of the Art Solutions for Material Handling, Deodorization and Degassing
Maximilian Buss I Process Engineer I Coperion
Alessandro Zeri I Sales Manager I Coperion

Application Deep Dive: Highest Quality in Flexible Film Recycling with Coperion Recycling Technology
Marina Matta I Team Leader Process Technology Recycling I Coperion
Achim Ebel I Head of Sales I Herbold Meckesheim

Application Deep Dive: Twin Screw Extrusion and Polymetrix SSP Decontamination Technology for rPET
Sabine Schönfeld I Sales Manager I Coperion
N.N. I Polymetrix
12:15 - 13:15 Lunch
13:15 - 15:45 Presentations Part 4

Plant Tour and Live Demonstration in the Recycling Innovation Center

Full-Scale Turnkey Systems for the Recycling Industry
Miguel Teran I Sales Engineer Compounding Plants I Coperion

Professional Customer Service
Georg Vögele I Key Account Manager After Sales - Recycling Systems I Coperion

C-Beyond I4.0: How to Boost Productivity and Efficiency with Digital Solutions
Markus Schmudde I Head of Research & Development Compounding & Extrusion I Coperion
Tanja Karrer I Electrical Engineer Control Systems I Coperion
15:45 End of Conference
16:00 Shuttle busses to recommended hotels

All presentations will be held in English. 

Do you have any questions? We are happy to support.